Wednesday, May 30, 2007


My brother talked me into checking out wordpress... so the blog has moved.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mrs. Laird would be so proud

Mrs. Laird was my home-ec teacher, and yes, back in the days when it was still called home-ec. I was even a member of FHA -- Future Homemakers of America. I can't remember doing anything with this organization. I think it existed to give those of us who weren't Future Farmers of America something to do. I remember taking a couple of home-ec classes and they always included sewing. I hated sewing in school. Part of the problem was I picked out a pattern that was way too complicated for a beginning sewer. Patterns that included collars and buttonholes and zippers -- too much and of course I was frustrated, and of course it didn't really turn out. I do remember my mother telling me if I made it I had to wear it.

Today, I do like to sew. When I was first married I inherited Tom's grandma's sewing machine. It was old, but it sewed a straight line and that was all I needed. I started sewing again when I was pregnant with Q. Made a quilt for his crib, curtains and crib ruffle. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. After he was born I played around with bibs and gave several away as gifts. I took a few quilting classes and the next quilt I made for Miss C was much more complicated.

I bought a new to me machine about six years ago. It is a Pfaff Tiptronic 2020 and I bought it on ebay. It has been a great machine and I just had it tuned up and a short in the cord fixed and I'm thrilled to have it back.

And believe it or not, Mrs. Laird, I'm starting to make clothes! I found this easy-peasy smocked fabric at Wal-mart and it basically just needed one seam to make a dress. Miss C wanted a shirt instead of a dress, so I just made it shorter and then took some extra fabric and added it to the bottom of a pair of cut-off jeans so it would be an outfit. They had some adult length fabric at Walmart and I think I may be going back to get some for myself.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Look what I made

I downloaded this pattern from sometime this last winter. And then my sewing machine stopped working. But the machine is now fixed and after a fun trip to the fabric store, I decided it was for a new purse! The pattern was super easy and the purse went together quickly. Of course, the girls decided they wanted one too, so they each picked out fabric and made them. The great thing about this pattern is it uses small pieces of fabric. It would be a great reason to save those small scraps. I think it would make a great birthday present for the birthday parties the girls are invited too. Maybe add some pockets to the inside and add some Polly Pockets to it for a present.
Walmart also had some great fabric that had smocking on the top, so I made Little T a dress and Miss C a halter top and added a fabric cuff to a pair of cut-off jeans so it looks like an "outfit". I don't have pictures of those yet. I did notice that there was adult version of this type of material, only softer and gauzier than the kids. I think I may have to go back up so I can make myself a couple of dresses. I'll try to add pictures of the dresses later.
Little T's purse is on the left -- she picked out a couple of fat quarters when we were at the fabric store for good behavior, and Miss C's in on the right. She used the same new fabric that I did. I was able to adjust the pattern for the girls. I made the panels shorter and a bit wider, and then I only had to use four panels instead of the seven on the original.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The God of Animals

I just finished reading The God of Animals by Aryn Kyle. Great book. Fabulous book. It didn't take long to read and was about horses. I was a rider when I was a kid and even worked later at a horse camp and rode horses for four hours every day. So it was great to read about the horses, without having them romantized or idealized. In fact, the horses weren't really much of a character in the book, like horses sometimes are in novels. The novel was about Alice Winston, who is left alone after her sister, Nona runs away with her rodeo boyfriend. Alice's dad, Jerry has a horse barn and gives lessons and eventually takes on a few boarders to help pay the bills.

It is a quick read, but definately not a fluff novel. The writing is superb and I caught myself stopping and re-reading passages to admire the writing. If you haven't read this yet, be sure to pick it up at the library.